Department for Literature, Performing and Fine Arts (DLPFA)
The Department for Literature, Performing and Fine Arts is headed by a Director. His primary responsibility is to manage the planning, design, monitoring and control of the implementations of programs and projects. The main areas of concern are literary arts, music, dance, drama, fashion, visual arts and film.
The strategic objectives of the department are:
- Mobilise, coordinate and showcase the diverse manifestations of the country’s cultural heritage.
- Facilitate the development of talents and recognition in the creative and performing arts sector.
- Strategise for the construction of a National Theatre equipped with a performing and fine arts academy.
- Facilitate and support the development of measures to protect intellectual and or copyright property of Gambian artists.
- Develop products and marketing activities in such a manner as to raise the level of income and profit to reduce the government funding of the NCAC.
- Provide advice and collect data in relation to the creative and performing arts sector.
- Develop partnerships and networks with civil societies both local and international arts partners.
- Support the organization of local festivals and co-ordinate the Gambia’s participation at international festivals.
- Promote fine arts through exhibitions.
As part of its regular programme of activities, the department is consistently engaged in the following:
- Co-ordination of national festivals and assisting the organization of local festivals with a view to establishing a calendar of events.
- Working with artistic associations for the furtherance of their objectives.
- Registration of Artists and Artistic Groups for a database and directory.
- Administering Non- Resident Artists’ Performance Licenses.